how can we help you?
Contact us at the A CERT office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.
Having values, we offer strictly professional services and through the recognition and reputation of the A CERT, our associated companies and structures and strategic collaborators, we add value to the products, services, institutes and organizations giving them a competitive advantage and making them capable of achieving a dominant position in national and international level.

is Inspection and Certification Body for Management Systems,
Products and Persons, founded by professionals with expertise
and extensive experience in the certification area.

is Inspection and Certification Body for Management Systems,
Products and Persons, founded by professionals with expertise
and extensive experience in the certification area.
Your Safe choice in Certification
A CERT European Organization for Certification S.A. is Inspection and Certification Body for Management Systems, Products and Persons, founded by professionals with expertise and extensive experience in the certification area. A CERT headquarters are in Thessaloniki and keeps offices in Germany (Stuttgart), Belgium (Brussels), the Russian Federation (Moscow), Bulgaria (Sofia). It has strategic alliances worldwide and a wide network of partners and representatives (Albania, FYROM, Serbia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Iran, Pakistan, Egypt, etc.), in order to remain close to its customers and the markets in which they are addressed to.
Fundamental importance for all of us in A CERT, is the protection of reliability, health and safety, considering the public interest and sustainable development, by offering valid and esteemed inspection and certification services. For this purpose we dedicate a great part of our resources, by investing in high technology and professionals with integrity and high level of skills and know how.
With rapid business development, A CERT certifies companies, organizations and institutions in the private and public sector.
The countries for which A CERT is licensed and the relevant authorization code numbers are are listed in the following table:
Albania | AL-BIO-171 | Iran | IR-BIO-171 | Russia | RU-BIO-171 |
Armenia | AM-BIO-171 | Georgia | GE-BIO-171 | Rwanda | RW-BIO-171 |
Azerbaijan | AZ-BIO-171 | Jamaica | JM-BIO-171 | Saudi Arabia | SA-BIO-171 |
Belarus | BY-BIO-171 | Kazakhstan | KZ-BIO-171 | Serbia | RS-BIO-171 |
Bhutan | BT-BIO-171 | Kenya | KE-BIO-171 | South Africa | ZA-BIO-171 |
Chile | CL-BIO-171 | Kosovo | XK-BIO-171 | Sudan | SD-BIO-171 |
China | CN-BIO-171 | Kuwait | KW-BIO-171 | Taiwan | TW-BIO-171 |
Dominican Republic | DO-BIO-171 | Lebanon | LB-BIO-171 | Tanzania | TZ-BIO-171 |
Egypt | EG-BIO-171 | Moldova | MD-BIO-171 | Thailand | TH-BIO-171 |
Ecuador | EC-BIO-171 | Morocco | MA-BIO-171 | Turkey | TR-BIO-171 |
Ethiopia | ET-BIO-171 | Oman | OM-BIO-171 | Uganda | UG-BIO-171 |
North Macedonia | MK-BIO-171 | Pakistan | PK-BIO-171 | Ukraine | UA-BIO-171 |
Ghana | GH-BIO-171 | Papua New Guinea | PG-BIO-171 | United Arab Emirates | AE-BIO-171 |
Grenada | GD-BIO-171 | Peru | PE-BIO-171 | Uzbekistan | ZU-BIO-171 |
Indonesia | ID-BIO-171 | Philippines | PH-BIO-171 | Vietnam | VN-BIO-171 |
Jordan | JO-BIO-171 |
A CERT holds an Inspection and Certification license in Organic Products by the European Commission
according to Regulation (EC) No 1235 for the import of organic products produced in countries outside the European Union, with authorization code ΧΧ-ΒΙΟ-171.
A- Unprocessed plant products
B- Unprocessed animal products
C- Unprocessed aquaculture products and algae
D- Processed plant and animal products
E- Processed agricultural products for use as feed
A CERT is accredited by the Hellenic Accreditation System (ESYD) as a Certification Body in the following areas:
- Quality Management Systems against ISO 9001:2015 in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015
- Food Safety Management against ISO 22000:2018 and FSSC 22000 in accordance with ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 and ISO/TS 22003-1:2022
- Organic Products according to the standard ISO/IEC 17065:2012
- GlobalG.A.P. IFA and PPM according to the standard ISO/IEC 17065:2012
- Integrated Farm Assurance of Rural Environment against AGRO 2-1 and AGRO 2-2 according to ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015
- Classification of hotels and accommodation facilities to stars and keys respectively, according to ISO/IEC 17065:2012.
A CERT is an authorized Certification Body for Organic Products by:
- the Ministry of Rural Development and Food of Greece with authorization code EL-BIO-005
- the European Commission (*) and registered in Annex IV of Regulation (EC) No. 1235/2008 for import of organic products produced in countries outside the European Union. The countries for which A CERT licensed and it’s corresponding code numbers listed in the following table:
A – Unprocessed plant products
D – Processed agricultural products for use as food
(*) Reference:
A CERT is also authorized to certify:
- Integrated Farm Assurance Management Systems of Rural Environment against AGRO 2-1 and AGRO 2-2 by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food in Greece.
- Food Safety Management Systems FSSC 22000 by the FSSC Scheme.
- GlobalG.A.P. IFA and PPM by GlobalG.A.P./ Foodplus.
- Classification hotels and accommodation facilities to stars and keys by the Hellenic Chamber of Hotels.
- Cosmetics (organic, natural and conventional), products free from GMO, lactose, Gluten, Antibiotics, Toxins. Butcher, Restaurants, confectioneries, Coffee Houses by the European Chamber for Sustainable Development.
Certification in accordance with other international, sectoral and general private standards
A CERT also certifies under the next international, sectoral and general private standards:
PRODUCTS: a) Organic USDA / NOP in USA and JAS for Japan), b) BRC, c) IFS, d) GMO Free, e) Lactose Free, f) Inputs of organic farming, g) GOST-R, h) Kosher, i) TESCO Nature’s Choice (TNC), j) LEAF Marque, k) Halal, l) Cosmetic (organic, natural and conventional), m) Gluten Free, n) Antibiotics Free, o) Toxic Free, p) Butcher, q) Restaurant, r) Confectionery, s) Coffee Houses,
MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS: a) HACCP / GMP / Codex Alimentarius, b) ISO 14001, c) ISO 22716 (cosmetics), d) OHSAS 18001, e) AGRO 3, f) AGRO 4, g) ISO 27001, h)SA 8000, i) BIOShop.
PERSONS’ CERTIFICATION: a) Inspectors and ISO Certification Consultants 9001, ISO 22000 / HACCP, b) Inspectors, Consultants and Organic Producers, c) Inspectors, Directors and Supervisors AGRO 2, AGRO 3 and AGRO 4, d) Operators Food, etc.
A CERT is a member of HellasCert, the Hellenic Association of Accredited Inspection and Certification Bodies. Moreover.
It is an active member of IFOAM, the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, a strong network of 750 organizations from 108 countries promoting organic farming worldwide.
Furthermore, it is a
- founding member of the Organic Products Network of the Association of Industries of Northern Greece and
- member of the Association of Exporters of Northern Greece (SEVE).
Finally, A CERT is a member of the European Chamber for Sustainable Development and the certification body that the Chamber uses for testing, evaluation and certification under its standards.